CAO’s Dispute Resolution function works with communities and companies to resolve complaints using a flexible, voluntary problem-solving approach.
Depending on the nature of the concerns, the context, and the needs and wishes of the parties, CAO’s Dispute Resolution team employs different approaches and tools to help communities and companies resolve concerns.
Companies and communities engaging in dispute resolution processes report many different outcomes. Some are elements of formal agreements and others are indirect benefits of the engagement process. Frequently, these processes result in improved relationships and structures for ongoing engagement between the communities and companies. Compensation – the most commonly reported outcome – generally encompassed payments for issues such as land compensation, health care costs, or unpaid wages.
Feedback from community and company representatives who have participated in CAO dispute resolution processes clearly show increased levels of trust not just in each other, but also in IFC/MIGA, after conclusion of the process.
Parties coming together in agreement to implement jointly-generated solutions to environmental and social concerns, is a key outcome of a dispute resolution process. CAO has fully settled nearly half of the cases that come to Dispute Resolution, and over 60 percent of cases have achieved either full or partial settlement. In cases where companies and communities do not reach settlement, the complaint is transferred to Compliance, with the complainant’s consent.